The Twickenham Plating Group Ltd are a specialist plating business. From their establishment in 1949, they have continually strived to create and sustain quality in service, technically advanced finishes and a commitment to their environmental responsibilities.
Through review and application of ‘Best Available Techniques’ (BAT) within their effluent treatment and process streams they ensure that waste is minimised and falls within consent boundaries set and monitored for the local water authority.
Manufacturing under license from UGSI Chemical Feed, Water Process Solutions offer full system supply and support from their Head Quarters in Kent, UK. Other product lines include; Chemical meter pumps, Chlorine analysis, lagoon and pond floating cover solutions and On Site Hypochlorite Genera on Systems.
“Water Process Solutions have provided an excellent quality and professional service and the new system is working beautifully, as one has come to expect from them.”
Jason Steele of The Twickenham Plating Group